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Boston Children’s Hospital — I-PASS this patient to you: Improved hospital ‘handoffs’ cut adverse events by almost half

Boston Children’s Hospital — I-PASS this patient to you: Improved hospital ‘handoffs’ cut adverse events by almost half

Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) recently highlighted an I-PASS study published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine showing that structured I-PASS handoffs cut adverse event rates in half across hospitals of varying sizes, settings, and patient populations. The BCH article discussed Dr. Christopher Landrigan and Dr. Amy Starmer’s unique ties to the BCH community. As leading clinicians at BCH for more than 15 years, Dr. Landrigan and Dr. Starmer observed firsthand the vulnerabilities in patient handoffs, prompting them to take action and build the I-PASS Institute in an effort to address this critical, industrywide risk. In addition to discussing key study findings, such as a 47% decrease in hand-off-related reported adverse events, the article also dives into the I-PASS mnemonic, other prominent I-PASS studies, and exciting I-PASS news.

Read the complete study in the Journal of Hospital Medicine and learn more about I-PASS co-founders Dr. Christopher Landrigan and Dr. Amy Starmer.

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