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Posts about News (2)


The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety—Development and Evaluation of I-PASS-to-PICU

A recent study published in The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety investigated the development and evaluation of I-PASS-to-PICU, a standard electronic referral communication template in a single pediatric ICU (PICU) to ...

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Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: Interfacility Referral Communication for PICU Transfer

A recent study published in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine characterized verbal handoffs for urgent interfacility transfers of children to the pediatric ICU (PICU) and compared these characteristics with known elements of I-PASS. The study ...

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Patient Safety Network: Patient and Family Centered I-PASS

Patient Safety Network (PSNet) recently highlighted a study on Patient and Family-Centered I-PASS, an intervention designed to improve patient safety and communication processes via a ...

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Kentucky Hospital Association Continues Statewide Rollout of Structured Communication for Clinical Care Transitions with I-PASS

Appalachian Regional Healthcare’s 12 Kentucky-based Hospitals Join Baptist Health in Implementing I-PASS Across Institutions

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Implementing a Family-Centered Rounds Intervention Using Novel Mentor-Trios

A recent study published in Pediatrics explored the impact of a novel family-centered rounds intervention approach on implementing the Patient and Family-Centered (PFC) I-PASS program. Co-authored by I-PASS co-founder Dr. Christopher Landrigan, ...

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Hospital Management: Baptist Health Turns to I-PASS KHATCH for Patient Safety

Baptist Health has become the first participant in the I-PASS Kentucky Hospital Association Transitions and Communication in Hospitals (KHATCH) Program. All eight of Baptist Health’s hospitals will implement the I-PASS bundle which will establish ...

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